Basel Garden, Membakut

Basel Garden is 20 acres of land situated in Membakut. It is a fruit garden planted substaintially with Musang King and Black Torn durians and other fruit trees. The vision of this garden is “A Garden of Hope and Prosperity for Sustainable Church Missions” founded on the biblical basis of Genesis 1:11, where God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.”

A working committee was set up and work commenced on 2 May 2018 to turn the jungle into a garden. Johnny Ting who is a lawyer by profession and an experience agriculturist heads the committee, and brother Lee Sip Leong is the manager for the development and day to day work of the land.

This vision communicates our purpose and our values in the following three areas:

(1) A Garden of Hope
It is a garden that provides spiritual and material hope especially for churches that are economically in need of assistance.

(2) A Garden of Prosperity
It is a fruitful garden that will generate income and serves as a model for congregations.

(3) To sustain church mission
It is an Economic Empowerment Centre to assist congregations to become self-reliant, especially churches in the rural areas.

Turning a jungle into q fruit garden.

This servant quarter is powered by a solar system.

Farm Store House

Assembly place on a high ground overlooking the Basel Garden.

Pineapples. Other crops planted are Avocados, Coconuts, Pineapples, Pisang Sabah,Tarap, Jackfruit, Petai, Pamelo, Mango, Chilies, Ginger etc.

Construction of the hostel cum guests house in Basel Garden.

The purpose of the hostel is to provide accommodation for theological students studying in Sabah Theological College to have their practical work in the filed during their semester break. These aspiring pastors are destined to become pillars of their communities, with many destined to serve in rural churches.

Basel Garden is more than just a garden; it’s a beacon of hope for churches grappling with financial hardships, offering them a pathway to self-reliance and sustaining Christ’s mission of spreading the gospel to all corners of the earth. Our mission is to transform fallow lands into vibrant gardens, guided by the theological principle of abundance symbolized by “a land flowing with milk and honey.”